Friday, June 10, 2011

Can I do without a pedicure?

Can I do without a pedicure? Unfortunately, most women today prefer to give up pedicures, citing a lack of time, and perhaps because of saving money. But in vain! After all, the beauty of women not only in the groomed hands and hair, but also in well-groomed feet. Darkened all of your beauty, if your leg, sorry shabby heels and pretty toenails.I recommend doing a pedicure on a regular basis, and not just for aesthetic reasons. From the manicured feet dependent status of the whole organism.

On the soles of the feet, as we know there are nerve endings that affect all the internal organs.And when you remove growths on the soles of the feet, you are giving your body to breathe.Moreover, after treatment pedicure, the woman feels more confident, she adds mood. And it can confirm everyone who took this step. I'll introduce you to the basic rules of a pedicure. How often should I do pedicures? Once a month, provided that the skin on your feet you have thin and dry ..And if the skin is growing very quickly, pedicures should be done more frequently. How to do a pedicure at home?
Prepare a basin of hot water. Add liquid soap there. I advise you to add a little baking soda and a drop of liquid ammonia, it will allow better soften the nails and skin. You can add olive oil, broth of herbs. Important in this process - carefully to steam up. If necessary, add hot water. When the foot bosh, we begin to handle them. The skin then becomes pink. Rub the heel and sole piece of fine pumice in circular motions. You can apply a cleansing scrub for the feet. After this, proceed to the most pedicure.
The special spatula to gently push the cuticles at the base of the nail. This will allow your nails to breathe. It happens that skin cushion grows nearly half of the nail, and it looks not very nice. Trim the nails. Try to give them a nice shape.Use in this special manicure scissors. Worth to emphasize that the thumb nail should be cut only in a straight line, or you may be ingrown nail of a finger. And as you know, ingrown nail-thing unpleasant, and delivers a lot of inconvenience. Too short on the big toe nail trim is also not necessary, as when walking may be formed callus on his finger. If toenails are very thick, it is possible to steam them for about 10 minutes (no longer) in the bath, and then cut.Thick toenails indicate an excess of calcium in the body.
If you have already faced the problem of ingrown nail, then deal with it, you can use this solution as Yoduksun. It is sold in a pharmacy without a prescription. It contains iodine, which dry the ingrown edge, and glycerin softens. It only takes a few times a day with a solution to lubricate the lateral crescent toe. Just soften the edge of the ingrown nail will help antibacterial cream, which is also sold in a pharmacy. Main lubricate your finger on a regular basis, and not from time to time. To trim the nails in a straight line, you can use nail clippers immediately after steaming. Here is a very effective way to deal with ingrown nails. Take equal proportions of glycerin and vinegar essence, and stir the mixture drip through a pipette into the wells of the thumb. Do this every day for a month. Peel in the corners of your finger dry, the pain will disappear. But if the problem of ingrown nail is very serious - do not delete it yourself. Since your tools are unlikely to sterile, and there is danger of infection. Consult your doctor or chiropodist.
"Corns" They usually appear on fingers and on the sides of your feet. It's not corn, as some women. "Corns" poyalyayutsya as a result of wearing tight shoes. They may appear, if at the feet of poor circulation. You can remove the discomfort of "corns," if you do oil packs for the night. Saturate socks vegetable or olive oil, put them on top put a package, but the top one sock. In the morning all clear, and rub the "corns" shallow brush. Rub castor oil at night, it will soften skin and heal minor cracks. If you suffer rubbed sore or inflammation on the skin of the fingers or the inside of the foot, do it for the feet warm bath of decoction of dried chamomile flowers. When you're doing yourself a manicure, pay attention to the condition of nails. Even the best paint will not achieve the desired success, if the nails are not groomed. If you do the nails regularly, then this procedure will not seem complicated. Master the art pedicure can any woman. Regularly remove from under the nail has accumulated dirt special wooden stick. Do this carefully so as not to damage the inner surface of the nail. If you decide to polish your nails, do so gentle nail file, not to damage the nail surface. File nails in one direction is desirable, from the edges toward the center, to avoid breaking nails. If the nails began to foliated, lubricate the night of iodine or vitamin A colorless foundation for the lacquer. Use the special oils to strengthen nails. If the color yellow nails - this shows a lack of vitamins in your body. Take regular baths with a little lemon juice. (2 tablespoons to 1 quart of water). You can daily wipe nails with a slice of lemon. I am sure that once you try, you will not be able to abandon this procedure. To avoid the appearance of corns are required to wear high-qualitywomen's shoes .

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